Unit 1. Back to school (сторінки 10-24)

Сторінка 10

Вправа. 3. Прочитайте коментарі і визначте, які твердження є правдивими, а які - неправдивими.

  • 1 is false
  • 2 is true
  • 3 is true
  • 4 is false
  • 5 is false
  • 6 is true

4. Робота в парах: скажіть, що ви повинні робити на уроці, а що не повинні робити в школі.

You should participate in class and listen to the teacher during the lesson. You should not talk to your classmates or use your phone during class.

5. Напишіть свій коментар про правила в школі.

In my opinion, it's important to follow the rules in school. This helps students learn better. Listening to the teacher and participating in class can be very helpful. To avoid disrupting the class, it's best to avoid talking to classmates or using your phone. By following the rules, we can make sure that everyone has a good learning experience.

Сторінка 12

2. Say if you have any of the subjects/activities above and what you do in the lessons.

  • In Physical Education (PE), you play various sports.
  • In Mathematics, you work with numbers.
  • In History, you learn about events and individuals from the past.
  • In Literature, you read poems and stories.
  • In Music, you sing with other students.
  • In Science, you study heat, light, energy, and other topics.

3. a) Write down as many subjects/activities as you can.

  • Physical Education (PE)
  • Mathematics
  • History
  • Literature
  • Music
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Latin
  • Chemistry

b) Відгадайте предмет/заняття та скажіть за зразком.

  • In PE, you play different sports.
  • In maths, you work with numbers.
  • In history, you learn about the things and people from the past.
  • In biology, you learn about plants and animals.
  • In literature, you read poems and stories.
  • In music, you sing with other students.
  • In science, you study heat, light, energy and other things.
  • In orchestra, you play music with other students.
  • In Latin, you learn the old language of the Roman Empire.
  • In chemistry, you learn about chemical elements and do experiments.

4. a) Listen and read. Guess the meaning of the word in bold. A Skill (Skill - I can cook well. Cooking is a good life skill. My sister has many friends and contacts on her smartphone - she has good communication skills. I practice listening skills in English when I listen to English songs and watch films in English. My teacher says I should practice my reading skills in English more by reading books in English.)

A "skill" is a special ability or knowledge in a specific area, like cooking, talking, or reading.

b) In pairs, share ideas about how to practice speaking and writing skills in English.

Some ideas for practicing speaking and writing skills in English could be:

  • Speaking:
    • Practice speaking with a native speaker or a language partner.
    • Record yourself speaking and listen back to identify areas for improvement.
    • Participate in group discussions or debates.
  • Writing:
    • Keep a journal in English and write about your day or your thoughts and feelings.
    • Write short stories or essays on topics that interest you.
    • Practice writing emails or letters in English to friends or family.

Сторінка 13

Вправа 1. Роздивіться сторінку на веб-сайті школи Емми.

a) The school's name is Green Bush School. b) It is located at 15 Park Road, Liverpool. c) The school has 300 students. d) There are 18 students in each class. e) The school offers a variety of activities, including Chess, Choir, Computing/IT, Public Speaking, First Aid, Orchestra, Drama Group, Film Club, and Swimming. f) There are sixteen subjects offered in total. g) Based on the pictures, some of the subjects offered include Chemistry, Geography, and Music, as well as activities like Choir and Computing/IT.

Сторінка 14

Вправа 4. Скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

1 — true 2-false 3-true 4-false 5-false 6-false 7-false

Сторінка 15

Вправа 1. Подивіться на таблицю та скажіть, що Кейт повинна чи не повинна робити у суботу.

  1. Kate doesn't have to wake up early on Saturday.
  2. Kate doesn't have to go to school on Saturday.
  3. Kate has to do her homework on Saturday.
  4. Kate doesn't have to memorize a poem on Saturday.
  5. Kate has to clean her room on Saturday.
  6. Kate has to help her mother in the kitchen on Saturday.
  7. Kate doesn't have to write a letter on Saturday.
  8. Kate has to visit her grandparents on Saturday.

Вправа 2: а) Доповніть речення.

  1. You must wear a clean uniform at school.
  2. Students mustn't be late for their lessons.
  3. You don't have to bring your lunch to school—there is a school cafe.
  4. Students must read this book for tomorrow's lesson.

b) Запишіть свої чотири шкільних правила.

  1. Students must not run in school halls.
  2. Students must do their homework.
  3. Students must be polite to teachers and other students.
  4. Students must not stay in school until night.

Вправа 3: а) Поєднайте речення.

1-b 2-е 3-d 4-а

b) Запишіть свої чотири речення для тверджень нижче.

  1. I should take a nap after school to feel more rested.
  2. Ann should ask her teacher for help with the homework she can't do.
  3. Ken and Pete should join the school orchestra to play music together.
  4. John should bring a snack to school to eat after his lessons and avoid getting hungry.

Сторінка 16

Вправа 1: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах

  1. I usually learn more about the past in history.
  2. Yes, I do.
  3. I like speaking in English.
  4. My least favorite school subject is PE because I hate running.

Вправа 2. Послухайте розмову дітей та скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

a - false b - true c - false d - true e - false f - false g - true

Сторінка 17

Вправа 2: Оберіть слова з рамки, щоб доповнити текст.

I want to improve my English. That's why I have to work hard at it. I have to study how to read, learn many words to understand English better, and do many exercises to improve my English. And, of course, I have to listen to spoken English to understand it better. I am sure that all of these things will help me to become proficient in English.

Вправа 3: а) Прочитайте та поєднайте

1-d, 2-е, 3-a, 4-b.

b) Work in pairs. Tell each other about your problems with English and try to find the way out Use the statements in a) as examples.

Some ways to address English difficulties are:

  • Pronunciation: Speak with a native speaker or language partner, listen to English songs and watch films to improve.
  • Writing: Keep an English journal, write short stories or essays on topics that interest you.
  • Vocabulary: Learn new words daily, read books or articles in English, practice using new words in sentences or conversations.
  • Grammar: Study grammar rules, practice exercises, read books or articles in English to see grammar rules in context.

Сторінка 18

1. Read the sentences below. Find the difference. I practise English with my friends every day. I am practising English with my friends right now.

The first sentence is talking about a habitual action that occurs every day.

The second sentence is talking about an action that is currently in progress.

Вправа 2: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Present Simple або Present Continuous.

  1. Jack learns English and Spanish.
  2. Biology is on Monday and Thursday.
  3. Sue is working on a History project right now,
  4. I am talking to Mrs Tomson at the moment.
  5. Kelly likes her new classmates very much.
  6. Ben and Dave are doing an experiment now.

Сторінка 20

1. Write your e-mail friend about your school

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to tell you a bit about my school. It's called [School Name] and there are about [Number of Students] students here. My favourite subjects are [Subject 1] and [Subject 2].

Some of the teachers are really strict, like Mr. [Teacher Name], but others are more relaxed and fun, like Mrs. [Teacher Name].

I think it's important to follow the rules in school, like being on time for class and not using your phone during lessons. What do you think?

Take care, [Your Name]

Вправа 2: b) Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. Jenny thinks that school is okay.
  2. She says holidays are too short.
  3. Miss Polly is her favorite teacher.
  4. She likes Miss Polly best because her lessons are always interesting and fun.
  5. She thinks that some teachers are good and others are not.

Сторінка 21

Вправа 1. Ознайомтеся з правилами у школі Емми та доповніть речення.

  1. Students have to arrive at school on time.
  2. They must remain in the playground during breaks.
  3. Girls are required to wear white shirts, green pullovers, black shoes, and black skirts.
  4. Boys are required to wear white shirts, green pullovers, black shoes, and black trousers.
  5. Girls are not allowed to wear mini-skirts, makeup, or jewelry.
  6. Students are not allowed to bring tablets or pets to school.
  7. They must not make noise in the corridors.
  8. Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones.

Сторінка 22

Вправа 2. Пригадайте текст 1 (с. 13) та текст За (с. 14). Додайте пропущені слова.

Emma's school is called Green Bush School. There are 300 students in her school. Emma's favorite subjects are IT and Art. Some of the teachers are a bit strict, like Mr. Beard. He always emphasizes the importance of writing and spelling. Students prefer fair teachers, like Mr. Jones, who teaches IT and often makes students laugh.

Вправа 3: b) Послухайте про один з улюблених шкільних предметів та дайте відповіді на запитання.

  1. The English teacher trains her students in good pronunciation, reading, listening, and speaking.
  2. She teaches them to conduct interviews and engage in conversations during English lessons.
  3. Spelling is often the most challenging aspect of learning a foreign language.
  4. This year, the students have taken new steps in composition and discussion.
  5. The student is interested in visiting English-speaking countries because he hopes to use English in his future job.
  6. He is fond of English and American literature and culture.

Сторінка 23

b) Прочитайте думки дітей ще раз та доповніть речення.

Ted enjoys all subjects. Alison likes only Maths. George doesn't have a preference for any subject. Andrew hates mathematics. Alison finds history boring.

c) Доповніть речення, щоб пояснити, чому вони надають перевагу одним предметам над іншими.

George is more interested in doing experiments because it's really exciting. Ted prefers to study Geography, History, and Maths because he wants to be a pilot. Alison likes Maths better than History because she thinks that History is boring.

6. Write a list of Rules for English Lessons.

English Lesson Rules:

  • Arrive on time.
  • Participate in class activities and listen to the teacher.
  • Follow teacher's instructions.
  • Avoid talking to classmates during class.
  • Complete homework and come prepared to class.
  • Practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills outside of class.

Сторінка 24

Вправа 1. Доповніть речення словами з рамки

  1. I love chatting with my friends from England - it develops my English skills.
  2. Sam thinks Emma should join the orchestra - she plays the piano very well.
  3. My teacher was so angry when I yawned during our Chemistry lesson.
  4. Bob feels very hopeless - he doesn't understand Physics at all.
  5. Mr. Jones is so funny! He has a great sense of humor.
  6. Their headmaster is very strict - many students are afraid of him.

Вправа 2. Доповніть.

  1. You must be on time for all your lessons!
  2. We don't have to wear our sports clothes - there's no PE today.
  3. Bill can't do this task - you should help him.
  4. Molly shouldn't go to school by bike — it's raining.
  5. I have to do my homework before I meet with my friends.
  6. The students mustn't be dirty and untidy at school.

Вправа 3. Поєднайте

1-c 2-d 3-e 4-f 5-b 6-а