Відповіді до сторінки 41 - My day

3. Grammar. Circle the correct words.

1. A:  What do you do in your free time? / Що ти робиш у вільний час?

B: I read magazines. / Я читаю журнали.

2. A: When does Brenda listen to music? / Коли Бренда слухає музику?

B: In the evenings. / Вечорами.

3. A: What time do you get up in the morning? / О котрій годині ви встаєте вранці?

B: At 8 o’clock. / О 8 годині.

4. A: What sports does Ben play? / Якими видами спорту займається Бен?

B: Volleyball and tennis. / Волейбол і теніс.

4. Speak. A. Talk in pairs. B. Tell the class your partner’s answers.

Student A: Complete the table with your personal information. Write what free-time activities you do every day. Then answer Student B’s questions. / Учень А: Заповніть таблицю своєю особистою інформацією. Напишіть, якими видами діяльності у вільний час ви займаєтесь щодня. Потім дайте відповідь на запитання студента B.

Monday go to the cinema
Tuesday listen music
Wednesday go shoping
Thursday surf the Net
Friday go to the cinema
Saturday read magazines
Sunday read magazines

Student B: Ask Student A questions about different free-time activities, as in the example.

– Do you read magazines in your free time?

– Yes, I do.

– When do you read magazines?

– On Saturdays and Sundays.

– Do you go to the cinema in your free time?

– Yes, I do.

– When do you go to the cinema?

– On Mondays.

– Do you go shoping in your free time?

– Yes, I do.

– When do you go shoping?

– On Wednesdays.

5. Write. Write four sentences about what you do/don’t do in your free time. 

After finishing my homework, my free time started. I turn on my computer. I usually learn programming, but sometimes I play computer games. I rarely go out, especially in my free time. When I go out, I ride my bike with my friends or just walk. Sometimes my parents and I go to the beach. I usually go out with only one specific purpose: to go to school, to study, to participate in school competitions. Unfortunately, I don't have much free time.