Відповіді до сторінки 124 - Unit 8. Where To Travel?

1. Прочитайте наведений вище текст і дайте відповіді на запитання.

2. Why do people travel?

They want to see other cities and towns, other countries and continents.

3. Is each way of travelling perfect?

No, isn't. People choose the way they like.

4. Where do some people like going?

Some people like going camping and watching the nature around.

5. What do travel agencies do?

Travel agencies organize tours for travellers.

6. What are travel websites about?

We can learn about the place, its history and lifestyle of its people from the travel websites. They give us the idea of the places of interest, food, traditions and many other things.

7. What do people usually do after they come back?

They usually show photos, display souvenirs and tell them interesting stories.

2. Прочитайте коментарі до тексту та визначте вірність цих тверджень чи ні. Поясніть, чому деякі твердження неправильні.

1. Nick likes Italy the most. True

2. He likes Italy because it has delicious cuisine. False.

He likes Italy because the nature there is very beautiful and there are many things to see and to do.

3. Olenka is not fond of travelling around her country. False, She likes travelling around her own country.

4. She likes her country because there are many things to see there. True

5. Bao's favourite means of transport is the plane. True

6. He also enjoys travelling by train. False

He not very fond of them - He's sometimes get sick on them.

7. Amara likes all ways of travelling. True

8. She went camping with her friends by car. False