Відповіді до сторінки 119 - Unit 7. The Place I Live In

1. Доповніть текст словами з рамки.

Ukrainian schoolchildren are making a special issue of the newspaper today. They are telling us about their customs, its hard-working people, their traditions and country. Ukraine has got a long history. Kyiv is the capital of the country. It is an ancient and beautiful city. Many talented people live and work here.

Ukraine is in the centre of Europe. Its territory is 603.7 thousand square kilometres. Ukrainian is the national language of the country. The national flag is blue and yellow. On 24th August Ukrainian people celebrate Independence Day.

2. Представ свою країну. Використовуй слова з рамки.

Ukraine is located in the centre of Europe. This is a big country. The territorial area is 603,700 square kilometres.
Ukraine has a long history. Its territory was part of Kievan Rus - a powerful state hundreds of years ago. Ukraine today is an independent country. August 24th is Ukraine's Independence Day.
Kiev is the capital of our country. It is very old and beautiful.
Ukrainians live in small towns and big cities.
Many of them live in villages. Ukrainians are talented, hard-working and friendly. They have their own language and culture, customs and traditions.
The national symbol of Ukraine is the national flag and national emblem. Anthem, bandura, borscht.