Відповідь до сторінки 81 - What’s the weather like today?

1. Match the words to the pictures

1 - hat

2 - gloves

3 - scarf

4 - cap

5 - shirt

6 - blouse

7 - raincoat

8 - jacket

9 - jeans

10 - T-shirt

11 - jumper

12 - skirt

13 - dress

14 - coat

15 - swimsuit

16 - leggings

17 - shorts

18 - pyjamas

19 - trousers

20 - socks

21 - trainers

22 - boots

23 - shoes

24 - sandals

25 - slippers

2. Solve the riddles. More than one answer is possible.

  1. You wear them on your feet in winter. - boots. / Взимку їх носиш на ногах. - чоботи.
  2. You put it on your head. - hat, cap. / Ви одягаєте його на голову. - шапка, кепка.
  3. You wear them when you sleep. - pyjama. / Ви носите їх, коли спите. - піжама.
  4. Girls wear it on the beach. - swimsuit. / Дівчата носять його на пляжі. - купальник.
  5. You put it around your neck. - scarf. / Ви одягаєте його собі на шию. - шарф.
  6. You wear them on your feet at home. - slippers. / Ви носите їх на ногах вдома. - тапочки.

3. Make your own riddle. Test your friend.

  1. You wear them on your feet at home.
  2. You put it around your neck.
  3. Girls wear it on the beach.
  4. You wear them when you sleep.
  5. You put it on your head.
  6. You wear them on your feet in winter.